One woman's stories, adventures, observations and rants, lived through and beyond metastatic breast cancer.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I wrote about pulling myself out of the emotional funk, with the help and support of so many of you.
Friday, June 27, 2008
looking out at the world
I have been thinking though about my tendency to become a hermit when I get to feeling low, missing work and my old life (or give in to the fear, as cancer is still very real presence and I know that I have not escaped it).
Chemo weeks tend to be the worst but I will admit that I have been struggling a bit of late.
I have this friend who refuses to stop calling me, though, even when I don't call back. A friend who calls and leaves me messages that say, "Just checking in!"
A friend who refuses to let me turn completely inward.
I am very grateful.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I am afflicted with my usual pre-chemo malaise.
And something else. I made it a goal this year to write as much as I could about cancer and living with mets and yet, today I am sick of being a cancer patient, sick of cancer and everything about it.
Achieving balance has always been a challenge for me.
My computer is sick today. The fan has died and it will only work for a few minutes at a time. Tomorrow it will go unto the shop (how realistic is it to think that I will get it back on the same day?).
Hopefully, by Wednesday, my computer and I will both be up to writing again.
Friday, June 20, 2008
cancer is a chronic illness
"Cancer as a Disease, Not a Death Sentence"
That about sums it up, for me.
I particularly enjoyed the following anecdote, so reflective of my own experience (the drugs are different, except for the Herceptin):
''Dr. Esteva described a breast cancer patient first treated with a mastectomy and the antiestrogen tamoxifen in 1995. Five years later, cancer had spread to her lungs, prompting treatment with a newer anticancer drug, an aromatase inhibitor. When that no longer worked, her cancer was found to possess a molecular factor, HER-2, and she began treatment with Herceptin, a designer drug tailor made to attack HER-2-positive breast cancer.The article describes beautifully the approach of my oncologist. First treatment A is tried until that stops working, then treatment B and so on. Ideally, treatment would continue in this way until a cure is found . For the time, being, though many of us are living longer than anyone thought we would and with a pretty good quality of life.Herceptin therapy was able to stabilize her metastases for years, “something we had not seen before,” Dr. Esteva said.
The patient now receives a combination of Herceptin and another drug and enjoys a relatively normal quality of life, the doctor reported.''
Cross-posted to Mothers with Cancer.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
book review: the deceived*
Holey moley! I was in the mood for a page turner and with Brett Battles’ The Deceived, I got that in spades. This book sucked me in and swept me along in the way only a good, action-filled suspense novel really can.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
what inspires you?
Perhaps I have been over-extending myself. And as much as I need and want to write about my experiences as a cancer patient, mining that particular vein can be draining (and I am trying really hard not to repeat myself too much in the different venues in which I am writing).
I did my morning pages today, for the first time in a while and I found it to be a tough slog. I started to list the things that inspire me and I realized that I have not really been making a lot of space in my life to do these things. My days have been focused on being productive and, perhaps, when I have had down time, I have not been engaging in the kind of activities that fill me up.
I think this needs to change. Yes, I have deadlines (and the house is a mess) but I think that I might spend less time staring at a blank computer screen, struggling over every word (or surfing the net to avoid writing) if I let myself spend a little time getting inspired.
Here's my list. What would be on yours?
Reading books.
Going for long walks.
Spending time in the arboretum and other beautiful places.
Taking in other people's art.
Listening to music.
Hanging out with friends and family.
Being silly with my kids.
Spending time with my spouse.
Monday, June 16, 2008
i've been here before
I have been working really hard with little Lucy, doing our homework and practicing, practicing, practicing. We have 'sit' and 'down' nailed.
Or so I thought.
We didn't walk her before class, as we had been busy with Father's Day activities in the morning and we hadn't wanted to make her too tired. As a result, she was excited and wild from the moment we entered the class.
Despite this, I was pretty confident when the trainer asked if Lucy would be the 'demo dog.' However, although the trainer had a juicy piece of hot dog in her hand, Lucy would not sit or lie down, after several minutes of encouragement.
The trainer passed her back to me and moved on to another dog. I casually signalled to Lucy to sit. She sat. I signalled for her to lie down. She lay down.
Lucy is a very smart dog and in her quieter moments is very obedient. But when she is wild (usually in the evenings, unfortunately for the kids) she is defiant, intransigent and a little bit out of control.
And when she is sweet, she is very sweet indeed.
Reminds me of someone else I know and love.
When D., my youngest son, was a toddler, I wanted to knit a hat for a friend's baby. I tried to measure D.'s head. He refused to cooperate. I kept trying for weeks. I would ask nicely, try sneaking up on him when he was distracted or firmly tell him to sit still. I begged and pleaded. All to no avail.
A few months later, when the hat was finished (I guessed at the size) and mailed off to the recipient, I pulled out my tape measure to check my progress on another project. D. approached me and sweetly asked, "Mama, do you want to measure my head?"
To this day, he wants me to measure his head whenever I am using a tape measure.
Friday, June 13, 2008
otherwise engaged
Update: I have a new post up at MyBreastCancerNetwork.Com.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
my efficient heart
The good news is that my heart is functioning just fine. It is most likely that there was never a problem and that the echo just gives a clearer picture.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Two members of my community got bad news this week and I have been thinking about them a lot. I am struck by Rebecca's humourous description of her recurrence (which involves both potato and spaceship analogies) and Andrea's strength and grace as she choses between more treatment or hospice care.
But I am sad.
And a little bit scared.
I think I am going to go sit outside in the sun with the doggies now.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
book review: home girl (building a dream house on a lawless block)*
In this memoir, Judith Matloff tells of quitting her job as an international correspondent (who very frequently worked in war zones), to seek stability and peace in her home country. When she and her husband buy a an affordable (read completely dilapidated) former crack house in Harlem, she finds her war zone skills being put to good use once again.
*This is a review of a book that was sent to me via Library Thing's Early Reviewer Program.
I just found a link to this promotional video for the book. It's a hoot, whether you've read the book or not. And I think her respect for the members of her community is pretty clear.Monday, June 09, 2008
mothers with cancer
Since I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, in January 2006, I have bemoaned the lack of resources for mothers with cancer. I have attempted to address this problem by blogging here and by seeking out like-minded women in my online community.
But one woman I know (and I only found her recently through BlogHer, although I can't imagine how I missed this incredible mom, blogger and recent survivor of inflammatory breast cancer), not only noted the lack of resources for moms, she set out to do something about it. Susan (aka Whymommy) proposed a group blog that would act as a resource for mothers with cancer and within days has signed up sixteen moms, registered the domain name, set up the blog, posted profiles and got the word out that it was time for introductory posts to be posted. It all happened so fast, my head is still spinning.
Mothers with Cancer officially launched today and my introductory post went up last Friday. But don't just read my story (many of you know it already), check out the other women who are blogging there as well.
Each story is as individual as the woman who wrote it. We differ in writing styles, kinds of cancer, date of diagnosis, treatment experiences and prognoses. Our children are all different ages and our parenting styles no doubt differ as well. But we are all mothers with cancer, who want the best for our kids and who want to reach out to others who may find themselves in the same situation.
I feel very honoured to be a part of this group.
Update: Speaking of parenting through cancer, my new post is up at
Friday, June 06, 2008
not here today
Thursday, June 05, 2008
getting out in the world
You can check out my first post here.
Let me know what you think.
What other things do you think I should write about? My second post isn't up yet but it's about being your own advocate, speaking up and asking questions (I have lots more to say on this subject and will likely do so in future posts). Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
moments of joy
The staff, most of whom were young, lived in residence with the students and were (in addition to teaching all day and coordinating recreational activities) in charge of patrolling the halls at night to ensure that only English was being spoken (every student signed a contract to that effect and agreed that if they were caught in violation of this rule three times, then they would be sent home. I have never heard of a university based program to be as tough as this one. But it worked). Most of us loved the work but it was intense, exhausting (the hours were very long) and, at times, very stressful. And it was exactly the environment that fostered strong bonds between staff members.
One evening, most of the staff were told that we could have an unexpected day off. At eleven o'clock that night, a bunch of us piled into two cars and drove all night to a friend's cottage (stopping only for gas and to take pictures at the world's longest covered bridge). We arrived at dawn (I couldn't tell you where exactly, but it was beautiful), and a few of us immediately went to put on our suits and go play in the rapids. I remember laughing and playing in the cool water as the sun came up, then crashing for a couple of hours on the cottage floor. Later that morning, we all went for a paddle and I remember drifting lazily in the sun (I am still a very lazy paddler).
We left after dinner that night, to be back in time for work the next morning.
I have lost touch with all of my friends from that day but the memory remains a special one, as a time that I was joyfully living right in the moment.
I was feeling a bit sad the other day as I reflected that I am unlikely to ever have that kind of experience again, what with responsibility, health and (let's face it) age all working against me.
But then I realized that such joyful moments occur routinely, I just need to remember to be open to them. And my kids help a lot with that.
A couple of weeks ago, S. had his birthday party. This was the first such party he wanted in years, so we agreed to go all out and have it at the movie theatre. They were such a nice group of kids and had a great time being silly together! And as I looked down the aisle and took in nine enraptured faces (we saw the new Indiana Jones movie. Good fun), each kid balancing popcorn on skinny knees, I realized that I was having one of those moments. Pure joy.
Cross-posted to Mommybloggers.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
i love the internet
When I realized I didn't have rosemary, I asked the internet what to do and found out I could substitute savory.
It was delicious.
I am off to bed very soon (I am as tired as when my kids were babies) and will offer up a more coherent post tomorrow.
Good night.
Monday, June 02, 2008
my little leap of faith
Meet Lucy (she's the furrier one, on the right).
She's a Tibetan Terrier and she has just joined my family.
TTs can live for as long as seventeen years.
How ambitious am I?
We really wanted to get a dog from a shelter or a rescue organization (J-Dog is a rescue and possibly the best dog in the history of dog-dom). But we needed a dog that is healthy, good with kids, other dogs and cats (we almost adopted a wheaten terrier from a rescue group during winter but when the dog met a cat, he tried to eat it. Literally).
And hypoallergenic (D. is mildly allergic to both dogs and cats and we couldn't in good conscious bring another dog into the house who would irritate his allergies).
We also needed a dog who would happily come on long walks or runs with me when I am well and take it easier on the weeks I have treatment. After a year of cruising the internet and working the phones (I reached out to rescue groups across Canada and into the US), I reluctantly admitted defeat.
So we chose a dog from a very responsible breeder and a relatively rare breed with few genetic health problems.
And she's really sweet and cute, too.
I am almost as exhausted as right after my kids were born.
And very nearly as blissed out.
And, for the record, if something does happen and I am unable to take care of this sweet puppy (who we are all working very hard to train), T. and the boys will take good care of her. And of J-Dog. And even of our belligerent cat.
Because when this family adopts an animal, it's for life.