The thin yarn (for those who care) is alpaca that I bought on a crazy trip to Stitches East (near Valley Forge, PA) in October 2002, while pregnant with D. I meant to make him a baby sweater but the years got away from me and it has now become a shawl and this scarf.
The thick yarn was created by the amazing Pocketina, of D.Y.I. not D.I.E.
My kids both clamoured to model for me (and to be on the blog).
I think S. looks quite dashing.
D. was keen but I couldn't get him to stand still.
This lovely bit of purple-ness is destined to be a present for someone near and dear. I want to keep the thing for myself, I love it so much but I will make myself give it away.
I had better see her wear it.