If you've been reading this blog for a while, you probably know that I find it hard to resist a good list.
And while I've decided to keep my goals for the year very simple and specific, I was very intrigued by a recent post, written by my friend Sassymonkey, which in turn, led me to the BlogHer group, "List Lovers Unite!"
It seems that a group of folks there have determined to set themselves ten monthly goals. This strikes me as a nice bridge between my very manageable goal for the year (make soup) and my nearly interminable daily to-do lists.
I gave it some thought and then added mine. Here it is, with some editorial comment added:
1. Finish sewing the eyes and mouth on D.'s sock monkey hat.
2. Graft the toes on my sister's socks (both these projects have been very, very close to finished for months. It's embarassing).
3. Make soup twice.
4. Read 6 books, including Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
5.Average 6 hours of walking every week (I was doing this easily for a long time but have slacked off and I'm feeling it, as are the dogs).
6. Re-read the first draft of my novel (haven't touched the thing since completing NaNoWriMo).
7. Write something 3x every week (I have been anxious and procrastinating. I thought that setting the bar low might help.
8. Organize my clothes.
9. Go skating (I live steps from the Rideau Canal yet I didn't even make it out once last year).
10. Send a card to my Aunt, with the photo we took in the summer.
If you are a list lover like me, come join us! And let me know if you do.
Happy New Year! I am working on improving my blogroll- Cancer Blogs - at Being Cancer Network where your own blog is presently listed. One of the things I want to do is to improve the 800 blog entries, making them more useful for readers.
Check to see if information is correct. Please let me know your specific cancer diagnosis - the medical term. Also the year you were diagnosed and anything else you think is relevant for the listing such as a transplant. If you have written a book or memoir, I can feature it in a special Cancer Book List section. Please include the name of your blog in the email so I can put the information in the correct listing.
Cancer Blogs I & II has been a very popular (over 8000 visits) and valuable resource for folks. It allows people to view what others with a similar diagnoses have gone through. And it brings additional attention and traffic to survivor’s blogs. It is helping to build a strong, vibrant community of survivors.
Please consider adding Being Cancer Network to your blogroll if you have not already done so. I am following you on Blogged.
Please see my January 10 post - New Year’s New Face - for additional changes in the website. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.
Dennis Pyritz, RN
leukemia & transplant survivor
I love lists and cannot get anything done at home or at work unless I'm working from one. I think. I will go make one now in fact....
I hope it's OK if I steal a couple from your list?
Finola- Steal away!
Wow quite the list. Hmmmm....
The only thing I can think of is probably best not posted on the internet, lest some people spontaneously combust and I get charged. ;)
In February;
1. Run 50 miles
2. Decide what I want to do when I grow up.
3. Do one thing that is visually creative every day.
4. Write 250 words at least 3 times a week.
5. Play the piano five times a week (trying to teach myself)...
6. Open myself up to new people
7. Try to regain trust in humanity.
Ummmm.... yeah... I think that's it.
Nat- Those are BIG goals. Keep me posted on your progress.
There is only one thing that I love more than lists...sticky notes on which I write my lists! I carry them every where!
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