Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Chicago photos are up at Flickr!

There all up! Find them here. And do let me know what you think. I am rather pleased with this lovely overview (although, forgot my camera at the hotel on the Saturday, which turned out to be a great day for pics! I haven't stopped kicking myself for that one, yet).

Feel free to comment at Flickr, or here.


Pachakamakin said...

Te felicito por tu blog. Gracias por darle tanta frescura y renovación a estos espacios.

Te invito a visitar mi página personal en la que publico mis poemas y mis links (estos pueden interesarte mucho).

Te envío un abrazo desde Aregentina y te dejo mi dirección:

Hasta pronto.
Andrés G. Fernández

Mom2Amara said...

OMG I was admiring your photos when I surprisingly saw my pic! I made your Flickr! I feel so special! :)