Thursday, February 07, 2013

diddly squat (the good kind)

As I mentioned in my last post, I had an MRI last Sunday.

I have subsequently had a really trying week (changing appointment times, having to negotiate and fix many bureaucratic issues with staff who don't know me, treatment and two dentist visits, culminating in a spectacularly messy and traumatic root canal) but I've a phone call from my oncologist that put it all in perspective.

Dr. G: "Guess what your MRI showed?"

Me: "Well, you probably wouldn't have put it like that if it had showed anything bad...So...It didn't show anything?"

Dr. G (sounding jubilant): "Nothing! No active disease, no residual disease just the effects of surgery."

Me: "So my brain is like my liver now. It looks like it's been through the wars but otherwise it's just fine?"

Dr. G: "That's right!"

Me: "And that's it?"

Dr. G: "Yup! Otherwise, it shows diddly squat." ( I believe that's the technical medical term)

I feel far more relieved and happy about this than I did when I had the CT. Not that I take the situation with Herceptin for granted but I do know that it has worked for me for more than 6 years. My brain, on the other hand, remains unprotected. From now on, I'll be experiencing every clean MRI as a gift.

Life is good. 

Bring on the root canals.


sassymonkey said...

Yay clean MRI! Boo root canal!

deb said...

Wow that is amazing news! So happy for you. And given this, the root canal will be a breeze.

deb said...
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Chris said...

That is so totally awesome. Here's to much more diddly squat.

Joanna Moore said...

Have you been on Tykerb? I don't know if that is standard protocol in Canada, but it is a HER2+ targeted therapy that permeates the brain-blood barrier. I took Tykerb for an extended period to kill any rogue cancer cells that would have had the nerve to set up camp in my brain. It is tolerable, not as easy as Herceptin, but the side effects are tolerable. I am still on Herceptin but am no longer on Tykerb.

laurie said...

Joanna- I've not been on Tykerb and will look into it. Thanks so much for sharing. My life is so much better, in so many ways because of my online community. The sharing of this kind of information is a prime reason.
I've never had an easy time with herceptin. I still get it over 90 minutes (after 6 years) and feel like I have the flu for several days afterwards. I think our responses to these dugs is almost individual. Going to research Tykerb now...

northerngurl said...

Very happy for you!

Jim's Girl said...

I am SO happy for you, I could burst! Diddly squat?!? I hope Dr. G can do the same for me one day. I have a lot of faith in him. In the meantime, it's Herceptin and Pamidronate for me tomorrow. ~Kate

Jim's Girl said...
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Joanna said...

Isn't it interesting how there are different reactions to a drug? Sometimes it goes easier for me than other times. I have been on Herceptin for just about five years and I took Tykerb with it for 19 months (in two different batches.). I always blog during my Herceptins and I try to figure out how I can minimize the SE's. I have been pretty successful, but I do think that I am not allergic to it and I am guessing that you might be. Tykerb contains a smaller molecule than Herceptin does so it can get up into the brain. It made me fatigued and it made my finger tips sore, but it doesn't cause hair loss and for that, I was grateful.

ebg said...

Yay! So glad to hear it.

You are certainly a strong, positive, fabulous example of a woman. Your boys are very lucky.

Catherine said...

Awesome news. WOOOHOO for you!

laurie said...

Yay! Thanks to all of you for celebrating with me!
And Joanna - I find the drug stuff fascinating. I certainly react to the Herceptin. They give me Demerol with every dose to stop the crazy shakes (Reigers) and the fever. And I get the drug over 90 minutes. Even so, I still get a few dramatic twitches almost every time.
Then again, I have had a dramatic response to Herceptin. I wonder if those things are connected?

laurie said...

And Kate, as I said on Twitter. I am hoping hard for the same response for you. I didn't know we shared an oncologist. He's a good, compassionate and smart man.

Lene said...

Joy, joy, joy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What a relief wew! Yeah! Upward and onward!!! Here's to health and happiness. You deserve it. :)