Monday, January 14, 2008

change is a-foot

I am reading the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.

I actually signed a little contract to myself (as suggested) by the author, to do the exercises in the book, make an 'artist's date' every week (which could mean just sitting with my knitting) and to write every day.

I am very excited.

And a little scared.

I promise to elaborate more on this in the future, but I'm not ready yet.


Anonymous said...

I read that years ago and followed the writing was really useful...good luck, ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

Hee -- I am excited for you, and can't wait to see where it takes you. Mazeltov. :)

iamnasra said...

I hope this helped ...I would like to email you a PDF file of book titled Brave faces: the daring stand against cancer which includes poetry and Tanzanian women voices against cancer ...

iamnasra said...

This book seems to be a good inspiration as reviewed in